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Student Wellbeing

There are a range of support services available to both students and parents/caregivers at Marryatville High School.

Student wellbeing support

The student wellbeing suite is located in the student services building. The Marryatville High School Wellbeing for Learning team consist of 3 students wellbeing leaders. School-based wellbeing leaders are qualified teachers with additional skills in promoting and supporting student learning and wellbeing.

Students can talk to a student wellbeing leaders about a whole range of topics including:

  • school based issues
  • subject and career information
  • friendship issues
  • harassment
  • personal and health issues
  • referrals to outside support agencies.

The Marryatville High School Wellbeing for Learning team recommends the following services in providing support for students and their families at when they need more information or support.  Click on the links for more information

  • Lifeline Australia 24hr crisis support on 13 11 14. Crisis support and mental health services.
  • Beyondblue Australian organisation provides information about depression to consumers, carers and health professionals.
  • Headspace provides support, information and assistance for young people aged 12 to 25 years who are experiencing emotional or mental health issues and/or a substance use issue.
  • Eheadspace is a confidential, free and secure space where young people 12 to 25 or their family can chat, email or speak on the phone with a qualified youth mental health professional.
  • Kids Helpline a 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Ph. 1800 55 1800

How to make an appointment.

Students can approach the relevant person or complete an appointment request slip. These can be collected from home group teachers, outside the student wellbeing suite or student services.

Parents can make contact by phone and/or make appointment. Phone 8304 8420.

Home group and subject teachers

Home group teachers are a great first point of contact. The best time to contact them is before or after school. Home group teachers can help with a variety of matters including:

  • attendance / absence
  • uniform
  • daily routines
  • general matters
  • curriculum or subject specific matters (subject teacher).

Senior leaders / year level coordinators

Senior leaders and year level leaders are assigned to each year level.  They are available to support home group/subject teachers and students on a range of issues including:

  • student wellbeing
  • student attendance
  • student behaviour management
  • subject selection and timetable changes
  • diary use follow up
  • student life program.

Student services

Student services provides a range of support services for students and parents:

  • first aid / sick room
  • parent pick-up point
  • lost property
  • access to phone
  • locating a student or teacher
  • signing in and out
  • ICT help desk
  • text books/block books/book returns.

Learning Support

The Learning Support team at Marryatville High School works to assist students with disabilities and learning difficulties to maximise their success.  Individual learning plans and student “access cards” provide confidential information to teachers about individual learning needs and any recommended support strategies.


SchoolTV is an ongoing resource that is available to Marryatville High School families. The resource is designed to inform and support parents/caregivers on major issues that may occur when raising our young people in today’s complex society. Like never before, parents/caregivers need to be informed with clear, fact-based information on the many challenges of adolescence.

Stationery Lists

We’ve created a full list of your child’s class requirements for the upcoming year.

Here you can find where you can buy all the products you need online.

Take the next step

Marryatville High School is proud of its history for providing students with the skills and capabilities to become active global citizens.