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Student Laptop Program

Laptop Program Overview

Marryatville High School has designed a robust laptop program for its students to ensure that all students have access to appropriate technology to support their learning. Fundamental to this program is the belief that by standardising the technology that our students use at school we will optimise the use of technology across all aspects of their learning.

While Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs have had some success at some schools, the way that technology is utilised at Marryatville High School requires a program far more robust, reliable and supported than BYOD can offer. Our laptop program supports our vision ‘to provide excellence in student centred 21st Century learning in a global context’.

The school program is necessary to personalise learning and provide access to electronic resources. While the school recognises that some parents may have a laptop computer at home and would prefer their child to bring that to school we will not be able to accommodate that arrangement.

The Laptop Program at Marryatville High School is more than purchasing a device, it is becoming part of a school wide program that provides all software, technical support, eText books, recharging stations, a warranty and repair drop off centre and spare devices that students can access if their device is off being repaired. While we ask our families to commit to the program through purchasing a device, the program in its entirety is encompasses the digital needs of a student here at school.

While at school, student access to the internet will be filtered to ensure that all content is appropriate, but parents are advised that our internet filtering does not extend off campus (e.g. home wifi, internet cafes etc.) and therefore is the responsibility of parents.

Further Information

Laptop Order Portal

To order your student’s laptop please click HERE.

Marryatville High School IT Help Desk


MHS Laptop Handbook

Full details on our program can be found in the MHS Laptop Handbook found below:

Take the next step

Marryatville High School is proud of its history for providing students with the skills and capabilities to become active global citizens.