2025 School Tours
Book your 2025 Marryatville High School Tour!…
2023 Year 7 Grandparents and Significant Persons Day
Grandparents’ and Significant Persons’ Day
We are very pleased to invite your Year 7’s grandparent or significant person to our annual Grandparents and Significant Persons’ Day!…
SHINE SA Workshop Follow Up
Thank you to the parents and carers who attended our Marryatville High School parent/carer session held on Wednesday evening 22 June. For those of you who could not make it – Jill from SHINE has kindly given permission for us to share the following resources and information with our entire school community….
Senior Drama Production – Marry’s Monsters
Prism is proud to present “Mary’s Monster,” a musical based on the life of Mary Shelly (writer of Frankenstein) on Wednesday 15 June and Thursday 16 June at 7:30pm in the Forge, Marryatville High School….
Governing Council Member – Expression of Interest
Due to the expiration of the term of one of the community member positions, the Marryatville High School Governing Council is seeking nominations to fill this role for a period of two (2) school years for 2022/23. …